P1: Citizen science centres I

E-poster session | Chairperson: Joaquin Cochero | Tuesday, 08 September 2020 | 17:00-17:15

17:00-17:05  |  P1.1 From science centers to citizen science centers

Author/s: Ricardo Mutuberria

Presenter: Ricardo Mutuberria

A growing number of amateur science communities are making a contribution to scientific production and significantly changing the way science is done, applied, perceived and disseminated. Citizen science, community bio-DIYbio, and open science movements are redefining scientific production, are empowering citizens and expanding amateur expertise. There is a need for spaces and programs that facilitate citizen and community driven scientific and cultural production. Here we present a project to create such a space, a Citizen Science Centre in the city of Bilbao. With the help of an international team of experts BIOOK has created a unique space for citizen science.

17:05-17:10  |  P1.2 Discover how libraries are catalyzing citizen science

Author/s: Darlene Cavalier, Dan Stanton and Vivienne Byrd

Presenters: Darlene Cavalier, Dan Stanton, Vivienne Byrd

Libraries are strong community anchors, enhance civic engagement, and help prepare people to be full participants in their local and global societies. Well-designed collaborations between libraries and citizen science partners have proven to address critical barriers in citizen science infrastructure--including low awareness of citizen science and lack of access to instruments and resources--which prohibits broad, quality participation in citizen science.


This Poster will highlight successful and expanding citizen science collaborations between libraries and other community partners: in-person, prior to Covid; virtually, during prolonged Covid restrictions; and addressing the shortcomings of each mode, exposed by the Covid crisis. 

17:10-17:15  |  P1.3 Impacts of citizen science projects with schools: consolidating partnerships between research and education

Author/s: Petra Siegele, Marika Cieslinski and Walburg Steurer

Presenters: Marika Cieslinski, Walburg Steurer

From 2007 to 2019 the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research supported almost 300 citizen science projects with schools through the funding programme Sparkling Science (SPA). The aim was to bridge gaps between educational and academic systems in Austria by actively involving pupils at all levels in scientific research projects. Evaluations show that this bold undertaking was achieved. Cooperation between SPA project partners last even beyond project duration and some only start after its end. Types of collaborations include informal contact, common events and research projects, talks or presentations at the partner institution etc.