Author/s: Sofia Capellan, Ivan Ramirez, Linda See, Anto Subash, Inian Moorthy, Steffen Fritz, Octavio Infante and Lalu Abdi Wirastami
Presenter: Sofia CapellanSince the late 1970s, the BirdLife Partnership has been working collectively to identify, document and protect the most significant places for the conservation of the world’s birds. Over 13,000 Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) have been identified. However, we lack comprehensive monitoring of the condition of these sites, with an increasing number of IBAs under threat from damaging development.Natura Alert has been developed within the Horizon 2020-funded LandSense Citizen Observatory. Natura Alert is a mobile app and web portal that allows users to pinpoint the location of threats to biodiversity and habitat changes, to prevent the further damage or loss to our biodiversity, particularly inside IBAs, Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and Natura 2000 sites.It is being tested in Spain and Indonesia. While the Spanish volunteers are focusing on threats to birds and habitats within IBAs and Natura 2000 sites, the Indonesian communities are validating alerts from satellite-image analysis for forest change on Flores island.
Author/s: Caterina Bergami, Cathlyn Stylinski, Alessandro Campanaro, Alessandra Pugnetti, Alessandro Oggioni and Alba L'Astorina
Presenter: Caterina BergamiThe International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) network offers a unique scenario to explore scientists’ perspectives on the benefits, opportunities and challenges of citizen science (CS) as these are embedded in local communities over long time periods. We describe some general trends obtained from a survey conducted among ILTER scientists, which include the following: about half of international scientists are involved in CS initiatives that primarily focus on biology and environmental science research; they train volunteers via short in-person workshops or written instructions and involve them multiple times in collecting samples and data; and they often acknowledge volunteers in peer-reviewed publications.
Author/s: Christothea Herodotou, Tina Papathoma, Maria Aristeidou, Grant Miller, Maryam Ghadiri, Julia Lorke and Heidi Ballard
Presenter: Maria AristeidouWe explored whether and what young volunteers report they learn from their participation specifically in the online CS projects on the Zooniverse platform. We interviewed 10 self-selected young volunteers aged 8-13 years old (n=4) and 16-19 years old (n=6) (Male= 3; Female= 7). We used the framework of Environmental Science Agency (ESA) (Ballard et al., 2017), an adaptation from Basu and Calabrese Barton’s (2009) concept of Critical Science Agency, for conceptualizing learning. ESA frames learning as the development agency manifested in three components: (a) deepening understanding of environmental science content and practice; (b) identifying an area of one’s own expertise in environmental science; and (c) using experiences in community and citizen science as a foundation for change.