Author/s: Paolo Diviacco, Antonio Nadali, Francesca Malfatti, Max Iurcev, Rodrigo Carbajales, Alessandro Busato, Alessandro Pavan, Lorenzo Grio, Massimiliano Nolich and Andrea Molinaro
Presenter: Paolo DiviaccoThe MaDCrow project (Marine Data Crowdsourcing) is a marine technology research and development project co-funded by the ERDF, that aims to create an innovative technological infrastructure for the acquisition, integration and dissemination of data on the marine ecosystem of the Gulf of Trieste, which, at the same time, aims also at increasing public awareness of environmental issues and in particular of climate changes. The project developed all the tools (HW and SW) to acquire the data and addressed the gap between reserchers and several types of end users such as for example fishermen, tourists or policy makers.
Author/s: Raquel Ajates, Mel Woods, Nil Gulari, Drew Hemment, Pavlos Georgiadis, Gerid Hager, Naomi van der Velden, Susan Verrall and Victoria Burton
Presenter: Mel Woods
The GROW Citizen Observatory (CO) aimed to demonstrate that Citizen Science could validate Sentinel-1 satellite soil moisture products, a scientific priority necessitating a contributory approach to participation. However, GROW gave data ownership to citizens, and embedded resources to train people to use their data. This led to the emergence of collegial citizen science across a number of communities. We conclude that training, community facilitation and an open data approach can promote a more dynamic participatory model. We identify this as a positive leaky pipeline, the opportunity to address top down scientific objectives whilst at the same time address social innovation.