Author/s: Kat Austen, Sibylle Schroer, Franz Hölker, Núria Castell, Sonja Grossberndt, Neal Reeves, Oscar Corcho, Esteban González, Antonella Passani and Elena Simperl
Presenter: Antonella PassaniTo tackle the most pertinent and complex global challenges, engagement from all parts of society is required. Citizen Science (CS) projects often thematically address SDGs, and beyond this possess the potential to support societal change that will create a culture ready to meet these goals. In this poster, we present the first round of pilot projects funded and supported through the Horizon2020 project ACTION (Participatory Toolkit Against Pollution). In addition to detailing the value that CS can have for Sustainable Development, we describe how our own pilots align with the SDGs and indicators defined by the United Nations.
Author/s: Obasegun Ayodele and Obialunanma Nnaobi
Presenter: Obasegun AyodeleAuthor/s: Veronika Wöhrer, Saskja Schindler, Annika Schönauer and Ulrike Papouschek
Presenter: Veronika WöhrerProtected by the Anonymous Mass? Reflecting Anonymity and Informed Consent in a Citizen Science Project on Social Media PlatformsIn this poster we reflect on methodological and ethical aspects of the citizen science project „Worlds apart? Solidarity concepts and political orientations in social media“ (funded by the Austrian science fund; project number: TSC49) that we believe can be helpful for the conceptualization of other citizen science projects.The purpose of this citizen science project was to analyze different and opposing concepts of solidarity and their negotiation in discussions on the social media platform Facebook (FB). Due to ethical considerations we decided that the citizen scientists should not analyze ‘natural’ discussions happening in the citizen scientists’ timelines, but rather start closed discussion groups with Facebook friends who have explicitly given their informed consent to taking part in a discussion that will be analyzed by professional and citizen scientists in an anonymous form. While this approach seemed ethically more robust at first, the format was only partly successful in terms of participation and expression. It turned out that only a very small number of interested friends took part in these discussions. Analysis revieled that the closed discussion groups were not perceived as more secure by the participants, but on the contraty as less secure. They felt that their comments were not anonymous within the FB group, as the other participants could see their FB names and - in contrast to regular timelines - their comments did not fade quickly into a cloudy past, but stayed there for a longer time. Especially participants with controversial standpoints refued to raise their voice, becaue they felt exposed. We suggest, that further citizen science research on social media platforms has to take into account that anonymity has different meanings here than in traditional groups discussions as well as in traditional research concepts were anonymity is considered towards researchers only.