P18: Lessons from projects

E-poster session | Chairperson: Margaret Gold | Wednesday, 09 September 2020 | 18:00-18:15

18:00-18:05  |  P18.1 The LandSense Innovation Challenge

Author/s: Vladimir Mrkajic, Nemanja Nicin, Matej Batič, Margaret Gold, Tim Woods, Inian Moorthy, Linda See and Steffen Fritz

Presenter: Inian Moorthy

The LandSense Innovation Challenge facilitates collaboration and innovation among stakeholders within the value chain related to land mapping and citizen science. It targets individuals, web-entrepreneurs, start-ups and SMEs to present innovative IT solutions addressing one of the three LandSense domains: Urban Landscape Dynamics, Agricultural Land Use, and Forest & Habitat Monitoring. The challenge focuses on exploiting data streams coming from the LandSense Citizen Observatory, which consist of a diverse set of data including land cover change detection, threats to natural habitats, greenspace monitoring, etc., to design novel LULC solutions targeted at the citizen science community.

18:05-18:10  |  P18.2 Participant motivation to engage in a citizen science campaign: the case of the TESS network

Author/s: Irene Celino, Gloria Re Calegari, Mario Scrocca, Jaime Zamorano and Esteban González Guardia

Presenter: Gloria Re Calegari

This poster presents the methodology to study the motivation of CS participants.  The motivating factors that influence people’s participation are investigated through surveys, which are designed and administered through a conversational survey toolkit called Coney. Coney provides an interactive chat-like interface that makes the survey filling more enjoyable and intriguing.

As a case study, we investigated the motivation of the TESS network (https://tess.stars4all.eu/), a community focused on fighting light pollution in which volunteers are asked to host sensors to monitor sky brightness in order to collect data for measuring the level of light pollution in many areas of the Earth.